Could Regular Walks Help Fight Dog Dementia? | SMS STL

Could Regular Walks Help Fight Dog Dementia?

Could Regular Walks Help Fight Dog Dementia?

Improving the quality of life for an animal is a big reason many people choose to adopt furry friends. As our furballs age, the risk of cognitive decline becomes more of an issue, which can cause distress for all. Similarly to their human counterparts, the medical and scientific communities are not well-informed about dementia in dogs. With little information, theories have been discussed on how and why this disease develops in dogs. Luckily, there are some steps we can take to comfort our pups as they age.

What Causes Dementia in Dogs?

Most scientists agree that the development is related to protein abnormalities around neurons that cause breakdowns, interrupting nerve impulse transmission. Now, that’s a lot of confusing science terminology, so let’s break it down differently.

Your dog’s brain works like a freeway, and when the road is clear, cars can travel freely. However, if there’s an accident on the highway, the entire road gets backed up, which stops vehicles from getting to their destinations.

The risk of dog dementia increases with age and lack of exercise. If you recognize any of these symptoms in your pup, consider contacting your veterinarian:

  • Emotional Detachment
  • Pacing
  • Issues with Recognizing Surroundings
  • Staring into Space
  • Appearing Lost
  • Confusion
  • Struggling with Routine

How Does Walking Help Prevent Dementia?

There are plenty of ways to slow this disease from developing and progressing in your dog. Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia. Some research suggests that taking your dog on regular walks could help both of you keep your mind and body strong.

For starters, physical exercise is essential for maintaining blood circulation and cardiovascular health. It reduces inflammation in blood vessels and helps circulate blood to the brain. Walking also promotes mental stimulation. The more active your pup’s brain is, the stronger it will become. Taking walks in new environments helps improve brain functioning.

Social interaction and engagement may also help delay dementia. Walking with other dogs or people can stimulate your dog mentally while also creating relationships with other humans and animals. Building relationships and mental health support with your canine also can prevent dementia. Positive emotional connections are linked to higher cognitive functioning and health.

Finally, setting your pup up with a daily walk promotes structure. Daily walking instills a routine in Fido that lowers stress levels and improves brain functioning.

Other Strategies to Prevent Dog Dementia

Taking your pooch for regular walks is a great way to start preventing dementia, but it isn’t the only way to keep your pup’s brain stimulated and healthy. Considering dementia affects the learning and memory parts of the brain, there are other good exercises you can do to keep their minds strong.

So, it seems regular walks can help keep your pup sharp and prevent them from further health issues. Get outside and enjoy the day with your dog! If you believe your pup may be suffering from a cognitive disease, it’s best to contact your veterinarian for the next steps to take.