Snow and Ice Removal Tips for Your Dog’s Coat | SMS STL

Snow and Ice Removal Tips for Your Dog’s Coat

Snow and Ice Removal Tips for Your Dog’s Coat

Winter is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the cold, especially if there’s snow on the ground! Unfortunately for our furry friends, snow and ice can be harsh on their fur and paws. However, with a little TLC, you can help your pup tackle ice and snow so they can enjoy winter weather!

1. Brush Your Pet Before and After Playing in the Snow

A great way to prevent snow and ice from sticking to your pet is by brushing their coat before they ever step foot in the snow. Brushing helps remove tangles and mats from your dog’s coat, making it harder for snow to clump and stick to your pup. A smooth coat is likelier to shed snow away as your pup plays.

If they do happen to have a little snow left on them after playtime, take a brush and gently brush away any bits of snow caught in stubborn spots. It’s also wise to check hard-to-reach places between their paws or under their ears. If snow or ice gets trapped here, it could cause discomfort for your pup later.

2. Use Warm Water to Loosen Snow or Ice

For tougher ice and snow, you won’t want to pull or tug on your pet’s coat. Instead, soak a cloth or towel in warm water and gently rub it against any leftover snow. This will help soften and melt the ice, and once the snow has loosened a bit, you’ll have an easier time wiping away any leftover snow without hurting your dog’s skin or losing any fur.

3. Blow Dry your Canine on Low Heat

If your pet doesn’t mind the noise and feeling of a blow dryer, you can use one to help blow away any leftover snow or ice in their fur. Just ensure you’re using this tool on low heat or cool to avoid discomfort or injury. Once you’ve removed all the tiny snowflakes left behind, keep your pup warm with a heated dog bed and continue providing a cozy atmosphere.

4. Moisturize Your Pup’s Coat

Cold and snowy conditions can be harsh on your dog’s skin and fur. Consider using a pet-friendly coat conditioner and pet balm to avoid dry skin and irritation that can lead to snow buildup. These products can help soften their fur and make it less likely to hold snow and ice. Moisturing also reduces static, which may cause snow to cling in the first place.

Furthermore, your pet’s skincare routine should involve a paw balm or wax. This is applied to your pooch’s paws before outdoor winter playtime to keep them fresh and healthy. These balms can also help keep snow and ice out of hard-to-clean places, including between the toes!

5. Invest in Dog-Friendly Snow Gear

A simple way to keep your dog’s coat snow-free is by dressing them in appropriate snow gear. There are plenty of pocket-friendly winter wear options for our pups! Dog booties and dog coats can help protect their paws and bodies from becoming overwhelmed with snow. This helps to limit the amount of snow that comes inside with them and keeps your pet safe from any winter trouble that could cause irritation.

Taking these extra precautions before and after your pup enjoys the snow can help keep your canine comfortable and having fun! Now, get outside and enjoy the snow with your pup, and don’t forget these five helpful tips!

Check out more of our helpful tips for keeping your pet safe this winter here!